Please Support Catholic Charities This Holiday Season

Christmas tree and picture on the wall

Sign Up for AmazonSmile

With AmazonSmile, your online holiday shopping can support Catholic Charities at no cost to you. Visit to learn more.

Donate Gift Cards for Season of Sharing

Donations of gift cards make the holidays brighter for Catholic Charities clients. We recommend Target, Walmart or Visa gift cards. For information, email Nick Ingoglia, or call (408) 325-5250.

Matching Gifts through Your Employer

Please visit our donation page at where you may search your company’s name and get information and documentation on your employer’s matching gifts. For more information, please contact Cecilia Bynum, c​ or 408-325-5248

Donate a Car or Boat

For information, please visit or call 408-209-1924.

Support for our Neighbors in Need

Catholic Charities programs, especially critical as the pandemic economic recovery continues, are providing support for families and individuals on their journeys to self-sufficiency. We are addressing multiple needs to ensure future success – food, housing, mental and physical health, employment and education. Your gift goes directly to support children and adults served through more than 30 Catholic Charities programs throughout the county.

For more information, visit


Thank you to our amazing sponsors, teams and volunteers who made our 13th Annual “Roll Against Poverty” Bocce Tournament in October a great success!