Programs Highlight: Handicapables and Robotics Program at WYC

Handicapables Program

Barbara attends the Handicapables program monthy gatherings

To learn more, visit handicapables-program.

Our Handicapables program for adults & older adults with disabilities resumed their regular monthly gatherings this summer after a long break due to the pandemic. Barbara, one of the attendees at the July meeting at St. William’s parish, posed with a sweet note from Juliana, granddaughter of Handicapables volunteer Marcos Herrera.

Washington United Youth Center Robotics program

Washington United Youth Center Robotics Program students

Congratulations to the graduates of the first Washington United Youth Center Robotics program. Five individuals ages 11 to 22 completed the 10-week course in building a movable robot from scratch with an online instructor. Thanks to our partners, The Valerio Foundation and Overflow Sports, who made this exciting learning experience possible for our youth.


Araceli Gonzales: Director of The Disaster Services


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